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Lorem6 update and Product Hunt launch

By January 30, 2023No Comments

Over the last several weeks we have worked on a massive update for Lorem6 is a tool for anyone who is conscious about the length or the width of their text. It places character counts inside Lorem Ipsum text so that the maximum width or number of characters can be determined and/or considered in a design.

We have made the following changes (30/01/23):


  • Moved the sliders next to the output so that you can see the changes immediately and don’t need to scroll down

Advanced options

  • Added the option to have only one count
  • Added the option to remove all the text after the single count so that you can determine exactly how much lorem ipsum text you would like


  • Added presets so that you can quickly jump between common use cases, presets include:
  1. Twitter (max 244 c)
    Quickly grab 244 characters of lorem ipsum text for your twitter post mockup
  2. WCAG (max 80 cpl)
    Instantly know the maximum width of a piece of text. WCAG recommends a maximum of 80 characters per line (cpl)
  3. Typographic ideal (66 cpl)
    The Elements of Typographic Style advices 66 cpl as the ideal number of characters for a piece of text.
  4. Multi-column (50 cpl)
    The Elements of Typographic Style advices 50 cpl as the maximum number of characters for a piece of text that consists of two columns.
  5. Label (max 32 c)
    32 characters is often used as the maximum number of characters that any UI elements such as buttons should contain.
  6. Text field (10 c for ref)
    Instantly know the maximum amount of characters that should be allowed for a text field or text area.

Product Hunt

We have also launched the tool on Product Hunt today. Let us know about feedback, comments or show your support with a vote!

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